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The Many Benefits of Emu Oil


Across the globe there are people suffering from a variety of health conditions. Increasingly many patients are skipping the pharmacy and searching for substitutes to treat their conditions. Emu oil is proving itself to be one of the most effective curative items on the market. It is an ordinary anti-inflammatory substance that is used in the treatment of many conditions. In addition to treating wrinkles, emu oil has been easing the pain of those with arthritis.


Research on this link has shown that emu oil is very useful for the treatment of arthritis pain, as well as other illnesses. Due to its natural quality, researchers are looking for other ways emu oil can be used. The Linolenic and Oleic acid found in emu oil makes it a useful product for the treatment of inflammation caused by arthritis, as well as soreness in joints. Emu oil is also hypoallergenic, and so is applicable to all humans and animals. Though research is still ongoing, many researchers are positive that more uses for emu oil have yet to be uncovered.


Over seventy percent of unsaturated essential fatty acids can be found in emu oil. Essential fatty acids are vital for the human body, and are generally accessed through foods. They cannot be formed from other fats. Essential fatty acids are useful in maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood pressure.


In burn units across the globe emu oil is being used to treat scarring. While treating scarring from burns, physicians found that emu oil was also working to minimize fine lines and wrinkles. You can find additional details on emu oil here at


The Aboriginal people of Australia have been treating pain, wounds, and their skin with emu oil for centuries. Researchers have proven that emu oil is also useful in reduction of hair loss.


Emu oil is also being used to treat acne, stretch marks, eczema, insect bites, face redness, dandruff, sunburn and muscles aches. Applying emu oil to nails is an effective way to help them grow faster and stronger. Applying it to the face before putting on foundation can help dry skin. Because emu oil penetrates the muscles, which helps to soothe and loosen them, it is perfect for massages.


Emu oil has been effective in treating pain related to Shingles. It can also treat rashes from poisonous plants. It is also useful for insect bites and Chicken Pox, for it reduces itchiness and the urge to scratch the affected area.


Emu oil increases elasticity of skin, and so it is great for stretch marks. It has even been proven to help treat wind burn and frostbite!


The benefits of emu oil are vast. And research is still being conducted to find more info on its benefits and uses. Try it today and see how it can help you.

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